Tuesday, December 28, 2010


When the time came,
There was no question.
You took us by surprise;
Your eyes, large-pupiled,
Unresponsive to the light.

No more compulsive
Rolling, grooming, pacing.....
No more nipping
At a hand or leg;
You were calm
One morning of your life.

Oh, that we had seen that side
Throughout the years!
But you were always there beneath the turmoil.
Did we reach you?
Did you know us as a place of peace?
I mourn my human frailty, my impatience.

No more confinement now;
The door has opened wide
And there are meadows to be bounded;
Mountain vistas beckoning
To lead you Further Up
And Further In.

When the time came,
There was no question.
Everything is answered;
You are Home.

Monday, September 6, 2010

San Diego

Lobes of Eucalyptus
Blaze against the sky
As day unfolds;
The trees, grave sentinels
Above the cars and dust,
The rays of heaven
Far below.

Friday, August 6, 2010


So many crossings in this world
Of kindred thought;
I must have lost the trail.
Where is the hidden glade,
the crackling fire?
I can hear elvish laughter
In the night.....
Nothing is there but ashes
In the light.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

To a Friend

To think we lost connection
In the crush of time,
That lacking point of reference,
We fell out of mind.....
To know now it was darkness
That had closed the door,
The pain erases everything
I thought before.
My grief is twice as heavy,
For I also mourn
The load I didn't bear;
The weakness left unborne.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, February 21, 2010


A rest from labor;
Is it joy?
An endless ripple
In the heavenly expanse;
Perpetual motion
Of the holy dance.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


The midnight oil
Flows freely
When it wants to;
A slick illusion
Of the puddled night.
And if it burns
A portion of tomorrow,
Let's hope
The loss was worth
A bit of light.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Magnetic Poetry

There is nothing for it
But to stride ahead,
Into the fog of floating words
And uncemented meaning;
Walking not by sight,
Perceiving light
Behind a closed fridge door.